Attain Balance Worldwide
having a world that works for everyone with no one, nothing left out

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Be mindful in selecting products for yourself, your family and your home and offices.  The air you breathe, the fluids you drink, the food you eat are your medicine.  Remember to be grateful for all of it. Be selective and choose organic, nature's best. 


"Whatever age you are, you are an accumulation of toxins and free radicals unless you actively take steps to remove them daily.  Do you breathe, ingest, digest chemicals and processed foods? 

"I applaud those that are conscious about what goes in and on you.  It takes time to heal a body full of toxins, chemicals, parasites, mold... often called 'cancer' and 'tumors'.  What are you doing to take them out?" love light and gratitude, Dr. Irene.

Attain Balance Worldwide, headquarters in Wilmington, DE, sponsored by Goldstores Online,   contact: for more information.


 reSOURCES: Learn More

Pachamama Alliance, click

13 Indigenous Grandmothers, click

Awakening the Dreamer, click

The Hunger Project, click

Sustainable World Sourcebook, click

HH Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi, click

Be aware of Gaia's health, global warming, the plight of new pipelines, fracking.

Find your voice:  protest, vote, do whatever to stop infringements upon the Mother. Its devastating Gaia.

NO FRACKING.  Stop it NOW. Our children will ask us -- "Grandmother, what did you do when human beings were destroying our waters, air and land?" 

plant a tree, grow a rainforest

From where will we replace our healing plants & herbs?  How will we heal ourselves ?

GMO-genetically modified organisms are infiltrating our farm lands.

How is our body to adjust?

There are many questions we should be asking our leaders.  We expect to be protected; truthfully, no one but you is watching over you.


Get it?  It's up to us.  We are the ones.  We need to act NOW.